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Friday, April 6, 2018

Impact Wrestling Reax - 4/5/18

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Impact Wrestling.

- Lashley promo:
I hope we're seeing Bobby on Raw or Smackdown this coming week.

As much as I'll miss Lashley in Impact, I'm glad to see Cage getting the rub. He's unique.

- Lashley vs. Cage:
Oh I'm loving this already.

This is pretty badass.

This is an outright fight.

Cage is a BOSS.

I wish we could see a whole series between these two.

That was REALLY good for what it was.

- Allie/Su:
Allie has come a long way from Maria's meek assistant.

Go Allie! I see why she's tired of being a victim.

- Allie vs. Yung:
Good physicality here.

Wow. There's a lot of energy here.

Good setup for them presumably facing off at Redemption.

- Rosemary promo:
I can only imagine what that match will feature.

- Sydal/Mathews:
I'm liking this new association.

Aries just taking titles from everyone these days!

Oh Petey vs. Mathews should be pretty entertaining. This is a good use of Josh. He's a natural heel.

- KM/Justice et al.:
Well this is kind of random.

Looks like they're just throwing a bunch of people in a segment together.

OK enough to establish a match. Better than just having a random match to have one.

- Drake interview:
Things could be looking up for Eli with EC3 and Lashley gone. If Alberto leaves, too, he might find himself in the running for the world title again by the end of the year.

Pretty good overall.

- J. Impact vs. Taiji:
I like how these two work together.

Both men can really deliver.

I really hope we keep seeing Taiji here.

Taiji looks like a world title contender in this one.

Pretty good!

- Post-match:
Oooh... interesting.

Impact vs. Kongo at Redemption should be an interest combination of workers.

- Moose interview:
I think anyone having two briefcases is overkill, but maybe there's  something interesting in the works here.

- LAX promo:
LAX could use something new to do now that oVe has moved on.

- Eli vs. Moose:
I don't think trying to beat Moose by power is smart.

I like what Moose brings to the table. I hope he's got a lot of good things in his future.

This is going well.

Moose is going on a tear!

Oh.... looks like oVe have another target.

I'm looking forward to Eddie vs. Callihan.

I like a good clustermess here and there.

Pretty fun.

More wrestling coming up.

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