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Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Smackdown, MMC, and 205 Live Reax - 4/3/18

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Smackdown, MMC, and 205 Live.
-- SD Live:
- Bryan/Shane:
It's crazy to think Shane's the one with questionable health status going into Mania.

Shane is absolutely crazy for working through that.

Wow. Their issues really went under the bridge pretty quickly!

Either way, I'm ready for all this to wrap up.

We'll see what the future holds for all these guys.

- Charlotte vs. Natalya:
I like all the covers here.

Wow, if Natalya isn't having any trouble with Charlotte, Asuka should have a walk in the park at Mania.

These two always work together well.

Ha! I was wondering if Carmella would get involved.

Not bad to build to Mania.

- Post-match:
That was mostly good.

- AJ promo:
This is ssssssooooooooooooo bad. I hope this is the last time WWE builds an angle largely off "these two wrestled each other in a less successful promotion" with ZERO added heat.

- Sunil/English:
I was about to say, Sunil is ripping Aiden off!

- Rusev vs. Jinder:
I liked the Accolade tease.

I'm wondering if Jinder will ever get back to WWE Title status.

Damn. Jinder's really fallen.

- Post-match:
Smackdown has actually made RKOing everyone boring. Orton could use a break.

They're nuts if they don't put the belt on Rusev. I love Roode, too, but Rusev is on fire right now.

- Nakamura promo:
That wasn't bad, other than the "emotional" meme they're pushing.

- New Day/Usos/B. Bros:
That was mostly good.

- Ziggler/Corbin/Mojo/Primo vs. Ryder/Tye/Breezango:
I can't help but wish we got Owens/Zayn/Bryan vs. Ziggler/Corbin/Shane from a story standpoint. Dolph and Baron being stuck in the Andre battle royal is crazy.

Basically just reminding us some of these people exist.

Not bad to set up Baron as a contender to win.

- Gable/Benjamin promo:
I'd actually pop for them getting an upset due to AJ being "emotional" or something.

- Owens/Zayn/Shane/Bryan:
I like the heat they're getting.

Mostly fun. I'd prefer finally splitting Owens and Sami so they can grow on their own, but I guess they're Raw-bound.

- AJ/Shinsuke vs. Gable/Shelton:
Gable's impressive here.

Solid work so far.

I'm glad this isn't a squash for Team NJPW.

Pretty solid stuff here!

Nice win.

- Post-match:
Shelton and Gable aren't heading to the Andre battle royal quietly!

That was a cool ending.

-- MMC:
- Miz/Asuka vs. Roode/Charlotte:
I like the teamwork from Roode and Charlotte.

I'm liking the action between Charlotte and Asuka. This could be quite good at Mania.

Good to see so many covers.

Funny to use Ric's signature moves in front of Charlotte.

Everyone here is solid.

I'm glad Miz is still using Bryan's moves. I mean, who would that guy be without Miz taking him under his wing?

I liked Charlotte getting the leglock on Miz.

Pretty solid!

- Post-match:
Watch these two win MMC and their respective title matches.

-- 205 Live: 
- Lince/Gran vs. Itami/Tozawa:
Wow the tag team division is already repetitive.

I like Hideo's mean streak.

Good teamwork from the luchadores.

This is solid!

Both teams are impressive here.

All four men are talented, and that's on display in this one.

I liked the mask spot.

Nice ending to keep things going. I assume this is leading to a title match.

- Post-match:
Pretty good stuff.

- Gulak/Andrews:
I like the idea of Gulak being cocky about Andrews being 100%.

I think that was pretty good, since there's an issue between the two sides.

- Nese vs. J. Pierce:
I like how Nese is performing here.

Nese is REALLY good.

Pierce isn't awful by any means.

Solid work.

- Murphy/Kalisto:
I'm very glad to see Murphy getting a career rebound. He's been toiling away in NXT for quite some time now.

- Murphy vs. Kalisto:
I like the contrast here.

Wow. Murphy's really improved from his tag team days.

Glad to see Murphy get to show what he can do!

This is pretty well put together.

This is really impressive.

I liked that powerbomb spot.

Nice ending sequence.

- Drake promo:
He's doing a pretty good job as the GM/hype man.

Good sell for Mania.

More wrestling coming up.

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