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Monday, April 22, 2019

Shield's Final Chapter Reax, Punk returns (kind of), Rhodes on leaving WWE, WWE PPV canceled, and Questions on unexpected HoFers, AEW shows on Saturdays, OH wrestlers, do talents know what's on commentary, and how NXT stars look at working EVOLVE

-- Shield's Final Chapter:
- Elias promo:
I mean, The Shield couldn't continue post-Shakeup anyway. I do wonder what Dean would have done next; I would have been fine with him facing some people coming up the card.

Haha vintage crowd burial.

Definitely feeling like a live event.

Silly, but effective.

- Finn vs. Elias:
This is pretty solid so far.

Oooh. That ending might not have gone as planned.

I can't say I expected a title change here.

- Post-match:
Wow. They're really milking this, huh?

Yeah the Riotts could use reboots post-Shakeup. They can't go much lower.

Mostly fun.

- Ruby/Logan vs. Bayley/Ember:
I do wonder how all the female SDL faces will coexist. Someone's going to have to turn at some point, right?

Fine for a live event match.

- Shield promo:
Oh this setup brings back memories.

They definitely were part of a changing of the guard in WWE. I continue to say we're in a new era with all the NXT names being recruited and pushed.

- Attack earlier:
Good idea to get heat. I doubt anyone wanted to see a Singh Brothers match.

- Corbin/Lashley/Drew promo:

This is pretty good.

- Shield vs. Lashley/Drew/Corbin:
I'd pop if Dean signed AEW at the end a la Bret Hart.

I like this so far.

I would be all for this becoming a no-DQ match.

Really cool superplex spot.

This is solid.

All cool stuff. 

- Post-match:
This is definitely pretty cool.

Rollins has definitely come a LONG way. 

Is it too early to say End of an Era? 

It is telling Dean didn't reach the heights Seth and Roman have (and will continue to reach).

Fun times. 

C.M. Punk made a run-in in Wisconsin to assist former trainer Ace Steel. Punk trains for MMA nearby. This was likely just a fun cameo, but surely it will lead to a lot of speculation of him returning for more.

Dustin Rhodes commented on leaving WWE. I'm very glad he's still thriving and seeking out new things at 50. This was a classy goodbye.

WWE Backlash has been canceled due to being planned nine nights after the newly-rescheduled Saudi Arabian event. Takeover:San Jose is still scheduled for June 7 at this time.

For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. I like the idea of HoF classes being like a wrestling card, with main eventers, tag teams, women, and a few "extras" like celebrities and backstage personnel. As for people I was pleasantly surprised to see honored: Ultimate Warrior, Randy Savage, Sting, Rick Rude, The Rock 'n' Roll Express, Jeff Jarrett, Chyna, and pretty much all the Legacy inductees.

2. It's easier for people to travel to a Saturday night event. AEW has a big fly-in crowd.

3. Ohio's one of the most populous states in the nation, so it makes sense they'll have a lot of wrestlers from there. It's also in a good place for talent to travel and get experience.

4. There are times when the talent actually suggest it themselves! It's all part of the process of putting things together.

5. It's more experience for talents who are in NXT to get experience, so it's usually a plus. It's also a way to "give back" to a place that's part of grooming the next NXT talents.

More wrestling tomorrow.

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