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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Superstars and Impact Wrestling Reax - 6/28/12

Read on for my segment-by-segment thoughts on Superstars and Impact Wrestling.
Kofi vs. McGillicutty was pretty solid. Kofi's really got something the crowd responds to and I hope WWE starts pushing him up the card in the coming months (I wouldn't rule out him winning MITB and deserving it). McGillicutty showed that he mostly has what it takes in the ring. I just don't see him really going anywhere without more in the way of charisma and character.

AW can talk. Him being paired with Darren and Titus can only help them for the time being.

Young vs. Epico was pretty solid, too. Young has pretty much always impressed me in the ring, and Epico seems underutilized in that sense. I think AW on the mic for the whole match was too much, though.

The Usos' match was fun while it lasted. Camacho didn't look out of place and the other 3 had some pretty good energy.

I'm starting to like Slater's promos in a "so bad, they're good" way.

Kane vs. Slater was fine, I guess. I've just kind of seen that formula done so much that it doesn't mean much. Kane's a big brawler and Slater gets derailed.

Impact Wrestling:
I hope enough people like the Styles/Dixie angle for it to continue, because I dread the fact that it's continuing.

Anderson cut a typical Anderson promo. I can't believe some people thought he was going to be the next Austin.

RVD did some pretty cool stuff in his match. He keeps defying his age and putting on good matches. Anderson was fine as well, but RVD was the guy being showcased.

I liked the face-off between Aries and Roode: 2 stars coming into their primes competing for the company's top prize instead of some of the people from years (sometimes decades) gone by.

I wish I could fast-forward anything regarding this chick on drugs.

Sonjay vs. Rubix was kind of fun as far as X-Division matches go. I don't see Sonjay being Champion.

Always interesting to see the Gut Check-style stuff. Barring an amazing promo, I don't think I'd sign Taeler.

Bully Ray vs. Samoa Joe was pretty good. The Joseph Park stuff is getting kind of silly, but it didn't take away from the match. The right guy went over.

I'm getting a bit tired of Park vs. Ray. I don't know how much longer they can keep it interesting now that they've had a match.

More of the Styles/Dixie angle. The sooner this ends the better.

I couldn't care much less about who Kazarian is or isn't with. He's such a drab character outside of being a TNA Original.

Madison's crush is another angle I'm ready to be over. Unless it's a crazy swerve, I'm not interested.

Knockouts stuff... meh. Gail vs. Tessmacher could be good.

The X-Division match was nice. Both guys showed they have energy and potential.

I kind of liked Cameron's post-match promo. I don't think I'd mind seeing more of him.

Hardy vs. Storm will be pretty solid.

YES! JOEY RYAN'S IN THE CROWD!!!!! That's far more interesting than the ditzy-sounding redhead.

I wasn't as sold as they were on Taeler. She'll need more than what she's shown for me to get behind her.

Pretty good match to end the show, despite the LOLTNA ending and plot twist.

I'll be back for Smackdown tomorrow. A news post will be up later tonight.

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