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Friday, January 18, 2013

Impact Wrestling Reax - 1/17/13

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Impact Wrestling.

Cool to see the ECW cameos. Other than that, kind of a meh segment. It's weird to me that these two just met and they're getting married. Swerve upcoming?

Better segment than I expected from Daniels, Hardy, et al.. I'm just so used to seeing Daniels in midcard hell that it's hard to buy him as a title contender.

Curious booking there. I'd think they'd want to make Daniels look like a credible threat with a win over Hardy.

The post-match improved things at least. I still think Hardy's pretty much got it in the bag next week.

Kind of a silly segment with Joseph Park, but it made sense.

Kind of a meh segment with Gut Check. I thought the new rule was that someone had to walk out with a contract. Thus once Cage was eliminated, Bradley was automatically that guy. Maybe I'm reading things wrong.

York vs. King was nice. I'm glad TNA has picked up both.

I admit I'm looking forward to the wedding on the grounds that something crazy always happens at a wrestling wedding.

Aries/Roode was fine.

Meh, Hogan and the roving cameraman. I'm not a fan of either.

At least they're treating the wedding as a big deal.

How weird is it to see Hogan and Sting being the central points of an angle in 2013? It feels so outdated. I feel like we're in for a match with 3 Count or Tekno Team 2000 later in the night.

Kim and Taryn was a fine segment. Surely Taryn's getting in the ring at some point.

Velvet vs. Gail wasn't bad at all. I'm interested in both Tara vs. Velvet and Gail vs. Taryn.

I really liked Aries and Roode here. Chavo and Hernandez are kind of generic faces at this point.

Badass ending to the wedding. That almost made the whole thing worth it. ALMOST.

More wrestling coming up!

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