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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Query on Chris Sabin, Update on Mysterio, Smackdown audience, TNA notes, another Rock date, and Questions on Vince/ECW, Del Rio, a Heyman stable, and Hogan as Champion

First up, a query:
1. There's no firm update on Chris Sabin returning from injury. I was simply speculating with my "predictions" post. I'll be sure to pass on any word, though.

Rey Mysterio is missing time due to a personal family matter. WWE is working with him schedule-wise.

The most recent Smackdown got 2.66 million viewers.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

TNA British Bootcamp has begun airing. There's a lot of buzz about the concept and two of the contestants are working in OVW.

There are those in TNA who feel that WWE stole the "Open Fight Night" concept for Champions' Choice night on Raw. It's possible that they did.

The Rock is advertised for the 20th anniversary of Raw. No shocker there.

For my take on yesterday's questions:
Not much to add to 1. It was primarily a business decision to help WWF.

2. They gave a better explanation for his turn on Raw. I think they're doing kind of a slow turn. As for Del Rio turning face, he has new opponents now and they just debuted some heels in The Shield and Big E, so if Orton turns that's a solid number of heels.

3. That'd be kind of cool. I'm split as to whether The Shield and Maddox should actually be working for Heyman and Punk. They're good enough to stand out on their own.

4. While it would make noise and create buzz for TNA, it does look bad for the rest of the roster if they can't hang with someone with that much mileage.

Nothing to add to 5.

More wrestling tomorrow.

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