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Friday, January 25, 2013

Interviews with Kofi/Rhodes, WWE changing live events, Orton at NXT, NXT live event changes, British Bootcamp stars work TNA live events, and Questions

Kofi Kingston talked about getting advice from The Rock among other things. He disputed that he's being "mentored" as the piece asserts.

WWE is changing its live events, dropping the "Raw" and "Smackdown" names. This could mean that people could appear on both shows. WWE increasingly focuses on the same top stars instead of building people up. This will only exacerbate that process. Fans don't have much of a reason to care about a lot of lower-card matches and superstars, since they're rarely on TV and when they are, they generally lose in decisive fashion or are treated as jokes.

Randy Orton will be at the 2/21 NXT taping. Cool. I'd like to see them do a segment where someone tries to make a name for themselves by challenging him (similar to his work as Legend Killer). Someone could try to form a new Legacy or something. Anyway, he needs to be used to shine a brighter light on some talented stars down there.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

The NXT live event on 2/1 has been canceled.

The NXT live event on 2/15 has been moved to the Fenn Center. They will instead hit the Brooksville Armory on 2/17.

Marty Scurll, Rockstar Spud, and the Blossom Twins all worked the TNA live events in the UK area. They're the contestants on British Bootcamp. Spud has won a TNA contract. I always like seeing some fresh new talent if they're ready for the big time. Spud has a decade of experience, and Scurll's got a pretty good resume himself in that regard. Hopefully that translates well.

Cody Rhodes had a long interview. I think some of the lower-card tag teams are doing well for themselves. Maybe not as good as Rhodes Scholars, Hell No, etc. but pretty good. It wouldn't hurt to be even better, though. At some point you have to think that we'll see Hell No, Rhodes Scholars, and Mysterio/Cara break up somehow. He had interesting thoughts on being a second-generation star. I think a lot of guys who have branched out from their parents' shadows have done well (Rhodes, Orton, Rock).

Here's yesterday's questions. Nothing to add to any of them.

More wrestling tomorrow.

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