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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Main Event Reax - 1/23/13, King Mo update, former X-Division Champion gone from TNA?, Interview with Baretta, Orton at Comic-Con, and Questions on hating Cena, Ziggler cashing in, Rock vs. Lesnar, and choosing a megastar

Main Event:
Fine Ryback promo. He's a pretty basic power character, but he works well in that regard.

I liked Cesaro's promo, too. I hope he has a good future.

Cesaro vs. Ryback was good. I'm pleasantly surprised that they protected Cesaro, though I don't know that a pinfall loss to someone as dominant to Ryback would really hurt him much.

Fine Show promo. I like him better as the dangerous giant. They've at least made his character somewhat interesting.

Wow, Rhodes Scholars kind of buried the Usos there. If they're defined as jobbers, it doesn't really mean anything if Rhodes Scholars win. And what does it say about PTP in kayfabe if they lose repeatedly to a team that's considered a non-threat?

Pretty good tag main event. I'm fine with Rhodes Scholars being positioned better than PTP, for the record. I like both teams, but think Rhodes Scholars is going places sooner. Both guys really have "it". PTP's getting there at least.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

King Mo is apparently still a few months away from his TNA debut, currently focusing on Bellator. Here's an interview with him. I hope he's worth the wait given how big his signing was.

TNA has removed Kid Kash from their roster page, and it's been said that he is gone from the company. However, he claims that he is still with the company. More on this as it develops. He's a very talented guy who has earned his keep in the promotion, so it's a shame if he's not going to be around any more. Him working to elevate the youth of the company would be very beneficial.

Trent Baretta talked about his WWE release and more. I really liked him and felt WWE could do more with him. Thankfully he's still young and hopefully he ends up back in WWE or in TNA down the line. He'd be a great addition to the X-Division.

Randy Orton will be at the Wizard World St. Louis Comic-Con from March 22-24. He's definitely a big star to be on things like that.

Raw's audience was 4.32 million. Not bad at all.

For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. Absolutely! Ziggler looked like a chump for dishing out that much punishment to Cena and Cena still winning. I don't think it elevated Cena at all to win - he was already "the guy". If you want to look at another reason people hate Cena, there's his promo from Raw.

2. Of course, Ziggler's contract is for the World Title, so they'd have to come up with a reason to change that. That said, I'd be ok with him raining on Cena's parade to signal that it's a new day in WWE. I'm sure Cena vs. Rock will be a great match (again), though.

3. Don't even tease me like that. I'd be all over that.

4. I like it! I think I'd give it more ring time, though. A lot of these ideas are better than what WWE reportedly has in store.

5. It should be noted that a top guy is only as good as his Creative team and his opponents, etc.. That said, Austin could work with just about anyone. He'd be my pick for sure.

More wrestling tomorrow.

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