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Sunday, January 13, 2013

TNA Genesis preview

Read on for how I'd book TNA Genesis.

Velvet Sky wins the Knockouts gauntlet. Tessmacher survives a good way and puts up a fight, but Velvet's #5 and wins. Tara and Jesse do commentary or at least watch at ringside. We get some of Tara vs. Velvet before Tessmacher goes for the title in her home state at Lockdown.

Kenny King cheats to beat Christian York. This match gets some good time and both men get to look like the stars of 2013 and beyond. King gets frustrated, hence the stolen win.

RVD beats Kenny King. I like King, but winning 2 matches in one night? King vows to get the X-Division Title in 2013. RVD starts feuding with Aces and Eights, who want all of TNA's Championships.

Samoa Joe distracts a cocky Devon so Joseph Park gets the upset. Devon vows not to lose to the "rookie" again and we get a feud for the TV Title. Long-term, Devon retains before losing the title back to Joe.

Sting beats DOC. Aces and Eights try to run interference, but it backfires. Sting uses the bat to get the win so DOC is protected. I've had just about my fill of Sting matches, but they shouldn't cut out his momentum so soon after his return.

As much as I dislike Daniels and Kazarian, Storm's not really doing much of anything else so let's have Kazarian do something to assist Daniels in getting the win so that the feud continues. Eventually Storm will overcome both of them to keep them in Purgatory while he goes back to important things (chasing the TNA Title).

Chavo and Hernandez retain by DQ when Morgan accidentally hits the Carbon Footprint on the referee. The ref does a stretched job to sell the impact of the move. It should be played as a big spot. Morgan's destined for bigger things than the tag team titles. Chavo and Hernandez join the fight against Aces and Eights.

Hardy, Aries, and Roode tear the house down. Aries and Roode look like they're definitely in Hardy's league. Aces and Eights get involved at the behest of Mr. Anderson, who wants the TNA Championship at Lockdown. I don't like Anderson, but he fits the story nicely. Hardy wins after (unseen by the ref or Hardy) hammer shots take out Aries and Roode. The show closes with a pier-6 brawl between various TNA faces and the Aces and Eights.

I'll be back to cover the actual thing tomorrow.

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