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Monday, September 26, 2011

Raw thoughts- 9/26/11

Last week, WWE's COO fired and unceremoniously booted The Miz and R-Truth. And he's just getting started. Tonight, Triple H continues to leave his mark on Raw just 6 nights from Hell in A Cell. On that night, John Cena will defend his newly-won WWE Championship in the titular structure against former champions Alberto Del Rio and C.M. Punk. All of the competitors will be at Raw tonight, along with plenty of other stars from both brands. And maybe a few fired talents as well! Read on for my thoughts on the show as it happens.

Punk vs. Del Rio will be outstanding.

Good direction with Triple H. We're definitely seeing a shift from the Anonymous Raw GM.

Apparently WWE doesn't push new stars. That's got to be news to Dolph Ziggler.

Nice fire by a potential future headliner.

Cody Rhodes says hi, too, complainers.

Nice heel promos by three guys I think are part of the future of WWE.

At least Triple H isn't Pedigreeing them.

Christian, Rhodes, and Ziggler as a stable? I'd love it.

Christian facing 3 guys he matches up well with? Works for me.

Nice opening segment. Supershows are just for the same established guys, you say?

Maybe a Raw guy jumps to Smackdown with the title?

Not surprising that McIntyre would go out first.

Sin Cara vs. Sin Cara on Sunday please.

We get enough of Booker on Fridays I think.

Fun match. Certainly better than the Bravado Brothers vs. Future Shock.

With only 2 weeks between PPVs, they're doing everything they can to build heat.

"Anal bleeding" and Booker's reaction just  brought that down a bit.

Otunga looks ridiculous. He has a character now, though.

The Divas of Doom look awesome as heels now. The skirt's still kind of weird, though.

I'm honestly not sure Beth can survive another title match loss to Kelly and still be a big threat.

Some good spots by the DoD.

That shot of Mark Henry is genius.

Pretty awesome devastation of Khali. If Henry has no problem beating Khali, and Khali has no problem beating Mahal, the people Mahal beat might as well be Hornswoggle.

Good promo as always from Cena, though part of the audience will never give him credit for it.

FIVE people on commentary? Insane.

It's a no DQ match; why should it matter if Ricardo's involved?

It's a shame they're rushing this show. There's a good deal more to do with these three characters.

Good segment for what is was. Brief, though.

Hopefully this leads to something on Sunday.

I can deal with that result. It will mean all the more when Ryder does win singles gold.

Who's the third man!!??

Isn't The Thing a remake? It's a cool concept, though.

I hope them not having a partner doesn't mean we're in for a heel turn.

Maybe Curt Hawkins can seek revenge on his former partner?

Big-boneded? Can we please replace him with Foley?

Ha. Ryan was just working as a face on Superstars. I think Ziggler took a shot at him last week, too.

Mason's huge.

Oh, well they're staying consistent with him after all.

Wow. Strong, too.

Good segment. People got over and people were protected. This is the goal.

People seriously still wear bowties?

Lawyer Otunga bringing the lawsuit? I like it. For some reason that thought didn't enter my mind.

Ricardo Rodriguez should read the Raw GM's emails if he/she ever chimes in again.

This isn't exactly making me want to see them face in a Hell in a Cell match, per ce, but it's good for a set up to the triple threat.

Solid match.

Ricardo's about to get got.

Good stuff to give us a taste of what's coming up on Sunday.

If it wouldn't mean a 2-week title reign, I'd be all for Del Rio sneaking out with the gold on Sunday. He looked good here.

That's a wrap for Raw. I'll be back tomorrow for NXT. A news post will be up later. Thanks for reading!

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