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Monday, November 10, 2014

Diva hurt, Ryder update, Cesaro OK, WWE vs. the UK, and Questions on Rusev attacking a soldier, NXT at Mania, Ambrose vs. Rollins, Bram headlining TNA, and Ambrose's finisher

Eva Marie is recovering from an injury. Hopefully the next season of "Total Divas" is about her being sent back to developmental. At least turn her into a manager or something while she still learns the ropes. Maybe Tyson could "cheat on" Natalya and end up with her? Working with those two would be helpful to catch her up as a worker.

Zack Ryder's injury came from his match with Rusev. How's he going to pump his fist with a torn rotator cuff?

Cesaro got his stitches removed recently. It's a shame his career's getting derailed. He had so much momentum after WM30.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

WWE is covering up the part of their apron that says "WWE Network" for their UK shows. Fans have been booing Vince's apology announcement. I can't say I blame them. The Network was pulled at the very last minute.

Justin Gabriel tweeted about leaving the WWE European tour after getting "You Can't Wrestle" chants. It should be noted he's working as a heel on the tour against Adam Rose.

For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. WWE definitely cares more about Show vs. Henry than any fallout from that.

2. I can get behind both of those ideas, although I ultimately do think they should wait until an act is ready (or close enough) to be brought up before pulling the trigger. It would look bad if Neville, for instance, won the match for the roster spot before doing nothing of note while another star in the match is brought up a few months later and makes a bigger mark. I appreciate the idea of putting new stars in the spotlight, though.

3. I definitely think they left open the possibility of at least one more match. I could see Reigns winning the title from Brock, and Rollins cashing in on him to set up a triple threat feud between the former Shield members. That'd definitely be better than Cena, Orton, etc. clogging up the title picture.

4. I could see him getting a main event push in 2015, if for no other reason than there are only so many names to push and he's beaten a number of names already. As for being the top guy, that wouldn't be saying all that much given the valuable names who have left. It's possible, but I don't really think it'd be because he's such an amazing wrestler he's considered better than everyone else.

5. I don't see them changing the name for that reason, but it's possible. There's a rule about no realistic choking for a reason, though.

More wrestling tomorrow.

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