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Sunday, November 23, 2014

Query on WWE banning wrestling, The Rumble going extreme?, Survivor Series names, part-timer updates, Questions on the reaction to the Streak ending, Low Ki in WWE, Cabana/Hero returning, and gimmick matches

First up, a query:
1. There's definitely been a rumor going around about WWE banning the word "wrestling" (and by extension, "wrestler", etc.) on its programs. I don't know if it's an official policy, but they're definitely "sports entertainment" with "Superstars" and don't see themselves as "rasslin'". Whether that will change under HHH and Stephanie remains to be seen.

There's talk of having at least one ECW cameo for the Royal Rumble in Philadelphia. RVD is the obvious bet, but there's also speculation of Tommy Dreamer and/or the Dudley Boys appearing. Dreamer's a producer for TNA, and Team 3D could be heading back there, too. I wouldn't count on them appearing, as much as some want it.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Randy Orton has been confirmed for Survivor Series. That's not too big of a shock. I wonder how he'll be involved.

Update: Roman Reigns is also set for the PPV, but I don't think he's cleared to return to action. They could just set up a return for him.

Brock Lesnar is advertised for the Raw after the Royal Rumble, which makes sense if he's going to defend the title the night before.

Chris Jericho is advertised for another live event before the Royal Rumble. I wonder how long he'll stick around this time, and who he'll face.

For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. I agree, both on it being an achievement to get the Mania crowd to be silent and it taking something away from Bryan's big win.

2. I remember soon after he left WWE, it was a story of WWE not having anything planned for him, as well as him not fitting in the really corporate environment of the company. It looks like that narrative has changed in a way since then.

3. Considering how long it's been since Cabana/Goldman was there, and with no C.M. Punk in the picture, I don't anticipate him returning. Hero/Ohno also seems somewhat unlikely, but it's possible either or both end up back in the fold. TNA, GFW, LU, etc. should be looking at both if WWE's not interested.

4. The Scramble match was apparently too complicated to be explained by WWE, given how their attempts went with all the "temporary champion" stuff. They also kind of burned the concept with the  poor ending to the one involving HHH and Jeff Hardy. But in general it's probably a case of the right pitch not being there.

5. I'm a fan of a big battle royal here and there, a best-of-seven series can work with the right talents (say, Ziggler vs. Cesaro), and Beat The Clock matches are also good here and there.

More wrestling coming up.

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