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Thursday, July 16, 2015

Impact Wrestling Reax - 7/15/15

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Impact Wrestling.

I'm pretty excited going into this show, with the new World Champion and the potential shakeups that can cause.

I'm not going to lie; I miss Heel Dixie. The heat she got at the NYC tapings was amazing.

UUGGGGHHHHHHH. Bully Ray's pretty much the last guy I want to see taking up more screen time in 2015. He got his World Title run in the long-winded Aces and 8s angle. He got his WWE swan song at the Rumble. This is turning into The Hobbit movies where you wonder when they'll finally end. I don't blame Bully for staying at the ATM that keeps spitting out 20s. I blame TNA for bringing him back AGAIN despite all the two sides went through last year.

This isn't a "new chapter for TNA." This is publishing an early draft of To Kill A Mockingbird as a sequel.

Bully's right. He didn't come back for Dixie or for himself. He came back because WWE's not interested in him.

Interesting to acknowledge the production crew given the issues they've had.

- 20-man battle royal:
I wonder how many of these 20 people will be at the next TV taping. The fact that answer could be somewhere around 14 should be something of a concern.

I love a good battle royal here and there. The Rumble's probably my favorite gimmick match.

The stuff between the final three was good. Galloway vs. EC3 should really be something.

Pretty boring interview from Anderson. I couldn't care much less about him feuding with Bram.

Not a bad Bully Ray/Spud segment, I guess. Jeff Jarrett would have been a much more interesting pick. Or Mike Tenay, since he's not doing much.

Is it too much to ask for for Galloway to start teaming with the former Jinder Mahal in TNA?

I couldn't care much less about Tigre Uno's political opinions, but maybe it will get him a boost as a babyface. He's been pretty generic as a character so far.

- Tigre vs. DJ Z vs. Spud vs. Grado:
I really don't see the appeal of Grado, but he certainly stands out in the X-Division. That doesn't make him entertaining, but I guess it breaks up the monotony of meaningless highspots.

Jesus what a botched finish. I think they should have relayed to the ref to have him do it again.

The Dollhouse are less annoying than The Beautiful People, for what that's worth. Gail Wyatt isn't really a gimmick I'm a fan of. It feels unfitting for her.

I have to admit I'm a fan of that Hole song. I hope Billy Corgan got it for free or cheap given TNA's financial problems, though.

- Taryn vs. Brooke:
Taryn's definitely a good enough wrestler to get by without interference, but I'm fine with Jade in particular getting a chance in TNA.

Dear God what a clustermess. The action was good, but everything else was Russo-riffic.

I picture Angle telling Bully they're both stuck in TNA forever and the two of them crying off-camera.

It really sucks Angle has to miss time. To say he's one of the people carrying TNA would be putting it mildly.

I look forward to seeing Angle vs. EC3 and Angle vs. EY when Kurt's cleared. Hopefully Impact will still be a thing then.

TNA deserves credit for being able to replace Hernandez's segments on such short notice. We're probably in for a lot of previously-aired footage these next few weeks. I can only imagine what they'll do with the BDC after yet another lineup change.

We have to wait another two weeks for the mixed tag match? Damn. Doing a live episode next week kind of threw things off when they could be continuing things hot after Slammiversary.

I really hope they're not just building toward EC3 vs. Bully. It makes sense, but I've had my fill of the former Bubba Ray Dudley in the ring.

- EC3 vs. Galloway:
Where's Micah in all this? I don't think we've heard from the former Camacho yet.

Galloway is a really good worker. It's good to see him get another chance post-WWE.

Another clustermess ending. I don't know what I was hoping for. I guess Bully Ray's going to set up Drake vs. Galloway and keep putting obstacles in EC3's path so he can save the day by challenging for the title himself at BFG. Putting over yesterday's news at the expense of young talents with potential would be a fitting end for TNA's flagship PPV.

More wrestling coming up.

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