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Saturday, August 3, 2019

Impact Wrestling Reax - 8/2/19

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Impact Wrestling.
- X-Division contender's match:
Ah yes the Impact staple of random X-Divisioners colliding.

In case you didn't know this show was in Canada.

Impressive so far.

This is pretty wild.

Fun multiple dive spot.

WHOAAAAAAAAAA Wentz blew me away with that handstand move.

I do like everyone wanting the win.

Cool stuff!

- oVe backstage:
Oh yeah we're in for Sami vs. Jake.

- Swann/Tessa:
OK I think they're starting to go a little heavy on the Tessa push, with everyone talking about her so much.

- Havok vs. Bravo:
Fun for what it was.

- Post-match:
YouTube says that promo was in Lao. It was definitely odd.

- North promo:
OK enough.

- Stone/Ace:
One key issue with Impact is how characters fade in and out. Canadian shows have different casts from Mexican shows, etc.

- Stone vs. Ace:
Not bad to keep establishing Ace. I guess we're going to act like TJP didn't come back and beat him.

- Post-match:
Yeah maybe don't pursue a crazy man's wife?

- Tessa/Rayne:
OK this is officially going into overexposure. I get they're throwing a Hail Mary but damn, let some other characters get some screen time.

- Edwardses backstage:
Yeah this relationship isn't going well.

- Moose/Bahh:
HAHAHHAAH Moose pulling an MJF with the high school diss. It was funny, though.

OK I REALLY like Moose's attitude.

- Moose vs. Bahh:
Holy shit way to kill Moose's momentum.

- Post-match:
Looks like we're in for another wacky team. At least when Impact's in Canada.

- Moose backstage:
We'll see if Moose rebounds.

- Tessa vs. Fulton:
Oooh this is wild.

Yikes she's getting destroyed.

I like this for the spectacle.

FUCK. Tommy Dreamer still exists.

- Post-match:
Yeah that definitely derailed Tessa a bit. Hopefully she kicks Dreamer's ass for helping her.

- Elgin promo:
I like Elgin's mindset.

Good generational battle here.

- Rayne/Kiera:
Oh great are we going to see another Beautiful People revival?  I feel like only one company should do that at a time.

- Jacobs/Santos:
Hm. Interesting direction.

- Rhino promo:
He does seem motivated now, which is cool.

- North vs. Trey/Dez:
I like how these names work together.

Good tag work here.

Both sides are impressing here.

This match has a lot going on. I like it.

Cool Double 619.

Haha I liked that ref spot.

Pretty great stuff!

- Post-match:
Wow, Ortiz is still mad, I see.

Oh maybe we're in for a new LAX.

Hmmm maybe we'll see a big crazy hardcore match to wrap this up.

More wrestling coming up.

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