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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Query on TNA in South Africa, Kaitlyn talks life on the road, Questions on C.M. Punk and Matt Hardy, update on Smackdown stars being robbed, Melina and Morrison at FCW profiled, and Raw's rating

First things first, someone asked why TNA isn't touring South Africa. I'm not 100% sure. It could just be too expensive for them to fly everything and everyone there and back . At present, there are no announced dates for the company in South Africa. BUT if enough fans Tweet @ImpactWrestling or @TNADixie about bringing a show there, and they think it could be a profitable venture for them, they might be able to do it at some point in the future. has a blog by WWE's Kaitlyn discussing a recent "day in the life of" a WWE Diva. Why can't we get more stories like this instead of people getting arrested and doing drugs? got 4 straight C.M. Punk questions today, so it looks like I'll be going into that some more after the break. The rest of the day's news is also profiled.

1. As much as I'd love to know Vince's reaction to it, I'd just have to guess. He's a tough guy to read. I'll defer to their answer here.

2. This has been a REALLY popular theory online lately. Punk's namedropped the angle on Twitter, and used incredibly similar verbiage to what he said when he was going to leave ROH. Even the snow angels bit was a reference to it. So, he's definitely trying to get us thinking that's where they're headed. I'm not familiar enough with it to know how well the situations correlate, though. We'll see where it goes in the days, weeks, and months to come.

3. It can be done, but everyone would have to be on good enough terms to know that one side wouldn't pull a fast one on the other.

4. I don't think so. It's not like people haven't been "fired" and brought back before. He could fire him for a day if he wanted to! I almost hope WWE does that just to show how foolish this question (and their answer to it) was.

5. I'm sure he's aware that a good part of the Internet crowd has turned on him and his brother, but he apparently still has defenders and fans. I definitely see a change in how the IWC saw him in '05 (myself included) compared to now.

Here's the latest on the South Africa robbery story, with comments from the COO of the tour's promoters. I don't know what needs to be done to "fix" this situation and prevent it from happening again, but someone needs to do it.

The Miami Herald has an article promoting John Morrison and Melina's appearances at upcoming FCW shows. Great way to get people into the show.

Finally, Raw did a 2.4 on the 4th of July. Ouch. Almost all of that stems from the holiday. Hopefully. It not being live MIGHT have played into it a bit, too, but that was the main reason.

Anyway, that's all for Wednesday's news. More to come tomorrow. Thanks for reading!

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