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Saturday, October 17, 2015

Superstars Reax - 10/16/15, NXT live event notes including HoFer in attendance, big change to Smackdown in 2016?, NXT sells out again, press for Phillips/Sheamus, Smackdown audience, and Questions on backstage HoFers, Breeze's NXT song, debuting Enzo+Cass, Strowman's invincibility, and Chicago at Raw

Personally, Adam Rose is just getting "go away" heat from me. This gimmick has pretty much run its course.

- Swagger vs. Rose:
Rose really isn't bad in the ring. He's got a lot of pre-WWE experience.

I'm enjoying the heel work by Rose. He can do some things effectively.

Good match!

- Stardust vs. Fandango:
This is going pretty well so far. I think both men are fine workers.

Good match for the time it got and where it was on the card. I like seeing both of them in action.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.
Here's a report from last night's NXT live event:
- Cameron getting back into things is fine by me. They might as well see what they've got in her while she's still under contract. There's really no room for her on the main roster, so NXT's a good place for her to cut her teeth again.

- HILARIOUS stuff with the 10 signs. Tye's growing on me.

- Cool that Roberts and Hall were there.

Update: Hall is expected to sign a WWE Legends contract soon and there's talk of him helping out in the NXT system. That could be great if he stays on the up-and-up!

There's talk of Smackdown going live in 2016 when it moves to USA. Would that mean it moves to Tuesdays, as well? I definitely prefer it on Thursdays so there's not five hours of wrestling from back-to-back nights (even more when there's a PPV on Sundays). That can REALLY burn fans out when it's the same faces on all the shows.

The Nov. 19 NXT taping sold out within five minutes. Impressive! Do they need to start doing a bigger venue? Universal Studios is nearby...

Tom Phillips was profiled by his alma mater. It's great to be low-maintenance and respectful.

A day in the life of Sheamus was profiled. I love the idea of him waking up every day thinking this could be the day he cashes in to become WWE Champion again.

Smackdown's audience this week was just 2.09 million. Seriously, Survivor Series needs to be set up as a show that will change what we see in WWE. And it needs to deliver.

For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. They absolutely need to induct Johnston and Mark Yeaton, as well as some names we aren't familiar with.

2. Also Breeze's new song fits him perfectly. No complaints here.

3. I agree with their answer. Why throw them on to a show with a lot else going on at the very last minute when they can get more from them with vignettes and debuting in NYC?

4. Braun's just another player in the Roman/Bray feud. I don't think they planned on giving him a big monster push. I think he's still protected pretty well, but he's definitely not seen as invincible anymore.

5. I'd personally rather have a quiet crowd than a crowd trying to get themselves over/chanting for unrelated things. It is pretty telling, though. WWE's just not hot anymore. NXT on the other hand...

More wrestling tomorrow.

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