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Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Raw Reax - 8/3/15

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.

Great tribute to start the show. We really lost a legend.

Rollins was really great there. Just a sadistic jerk. I'm glad he remains WWE Champion.

I'm excited for Rollins' open challenge. I hope it's not a former Authority cohort.

Rollins vs. Torito would have been MONEY. This is a pretty big moment for Neville, though, despite pointing out how small he is.

- Rollins vs. Neville:
Neville's athleticism is absolutely insane. He's the man that inertia forgot, too, given his speed.

Neville's pretty strong, too. If he had a killer personality and/or manager, I think he'd be about the perfect package. It's not like he can really get taller or more built.

Good ending. Neville held his own with the WWE Champion. That's promising for the "NXT generation."

- Ascension/New Day vs. Matadores/Dragons:
I feel like we've seen this match a LOT, but it's generally quite good, so I'm not complaining.

Team Lucha is pretty impressive with their speed and athleticism.

Nice to see the heels get some momentum with a win.

I'm ready to see a big tag team clash at Summerslam. They've got four hours, after all!

Thanks for reminding us Nikki's still the champion. My salt level is still high as a result.

I'm OK with "Submission Sorority." WWE has had goofier names. Given the talent involved if this angle, I'm not complaining about the name.

- Bellas vs. Charlotte/Becky:
It's great to see Charlotte and Becky tear it up on Raw. I think they'll both be fine.

This is getting a good amount of time. I'm glad.

NICE! Charlotte making the champ tap is a pretty big statement.

Another Divas match tonight? Awesome!

WHOA. Overtly advertising NXT is cool. The Network is their No. 2 priority behind TV deals. Pushing the top shows there to get subscribers up in a must. It's an exciting time for WWE. I think we can officially call this the Network Era.

Nice of Miz to shout out Piper. He left out the Funeral Parlor, but it's amazing to think how many Piper Pit like segments there have been.

I'd be OK with Miz as IC Champion, but I doubt many share that sentiment.

REALLY good stuff between Owens and Cesaro. It's OK to have some stuff that's primarily "who's the better fighter/wrestler" if it's done right. This was.

- Rusev vs. Henry:
Whoa. Rusev didn't even need the Accolade to beat Henry. I'm all for pushing the Super Athlete as a killer.

The post-match was good, too. I hope Rusev and Owens become top-tier monsters in WWE. Samoa Joe would be a great addition there, too.

Nice Wyatts/Sheamus promo. I still wonder what the end game for this is at Summerslam.

- Barrett vs. Ryder:
I really want Barrett to have some royal subjects. How about Brad Maddox and Adam Rose since they aren't doing anything? Heath Slater can be the jester! BOOK THIS NOW.

Zack Ryder hasn't won a match on Raw in more than a year. He's won some matches on live events, Main Event, NXT, and Superstars, though. I hope to see him work with Mojo Rawley in NXT more, since obviously he's not doing much on the main roster.

New Day vs. PTP/Henry should be good. It's kind of a shame Henry's stuck this low on the card, but there are worries about him staying off the injured list long enough for a sustained push.


Taker legitimately went out of WM30 in an ambulance after a concussion. I don't remember anything about Taker vs. Brock at WM31 being in the works, though.

Brock putting Taker on the shelf to set up one last stand for Taker at WM32 would be pretty epic.

- Paige vs. Naomi:
Not a bad match here so far. It's like they're shaking off some ring rust since they don't usually get to go all out on TV.

Nice ending. I'm a big fan of the Submission Sorority already.

Stardust vs. Amell has been built well. I look forward to next week.

Nice promo to set up the main event. I'm looking forward to it.

- Orton/Ambrose/Reigns vs. Wyatt/Harper/Sheamus:
Ambrose embodies the concept of ruthless abandon.

Fun match so far.

Overall, a pretty good match. Everyone did what they do well.

More wrestling coming up.

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