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Saturday, May 21, 2011

New FCW names, Christian interview, Regal talks about entertaining, Trish interview, WWE ranked on a list of global licensors, Questions on Christian as heel or face, the royal wedding, Championship Scrambles, and the reaction to Christian losing, TNA executive leaving, WWE changes PPV name again, and Impact Wrestling rating

FCW has added some new names and faces to its website:

Alexander Rusev, who is Bulgaria's Miroslav Makarov,

Ethan Levin, who I can't find any background on.

Audrey Marie, who I also can't find any background on,

and Eden Stiles who is the ring announcer on WWE Superstars (earlier identified under her real name of Brandi Reed).

Slam! has a nice interview with Christian. Heck of a guy.

William Regal had some interesting things to say about his being a wrestler vs. an entertainer. That link also has a link to a Trish Stratus interview where he discusses "Bail Enforcers".

WWE was just ranked #37 on the list of world licensors. They beat out Coca-Cola, Playboy, and the Trump Organization among others. That's very impressive.

After the break, I go into's questions for Friday and the rest of the day's news.

#1 might have been a joke. Either way, I don't have anything to report on it.

2. I think for now at least they should keep him as a face. Not that I don't think he could pull off a heel turn, but it seems like the face role fits him better at present. If he turns heel, that doesn't leave much as far as main event faces on Smackdown. We'd go from Orton to... Big Show and The Great Khali? Yikes.

3. This didn't really have anything to do with wrestling, but no, I didn't watch the royal wedding. About the only way I would have was if there was some kind of swerve/heel turn/shenanigans like the ones we've seen in wrestling over the years. William and Kate vs. Harry and Pippa with the winners being #1 Contenders to the English throne = ratings.

4. No. WrestleMania's main event space should be the place for big scores to be settled, not 5-man gimmick matches. The Scramble match was just ridiculous as far as a serious title match goes with its "temporary champion" stuff. I'd be fine with it every once in a while, but not at a big PPV.

5. I really doubt it. If they wanted to build Christian, they wouldn't have given the title back to Orton within a week of him winning it.

Terry Taylor, TNA's head of talent relations, will finish up his tenure with the company by 5/31. He's resigning.

The PPV known formerly known as WWE Bragging Rights has been changed again to WWE Vengeance.

The first edition of Impact Wrestling, following a PPV, did a 1.17. That's pretty disappointing.

More news to come tomorrow.

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