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Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Raw Reax - 8/10/2020

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.
- Contract signing:
Seth is such a great heel.

I like Joe getting under his skin.

I love Seth's entitlement!

Nice promo from Dominik.

Interesting gimmick match idea.

Haha Seth putting him in his place.

- Seth vs. Humberto:
Glad Humberto's not stuck on Main Event.

Good work from Dominik.

Wow. I hope Dominik noted how the trained wrestler did.

- Post-match:
Wow Dominik's getting introduced to wrestling alright!

Dominik might not make it to Summerslam.

- Vega promo:
I liked that.

- Andrade vs. Dawkins:
You'd think if Dawkins thought Andrade poisoned his partner he wouldn't be doing lockups and such.

This isn't bad.

Fine match. Surprised Andrade lost.

- Vega vs. Bianca:
Clever to go to this match. 

Solid back and forth here.

They're working off each other well.

I love Bianca's strength.


- Post-match:
I'm just waiting for the swerve with the poisoning.

- VIP Lounge:
What does it say about WWE as a multibillion-dollar company that it's not able to resolve the problems caused by Retribution? I assume they've got someone on the inside.

I like this back and forth.

That was good! Crews had a strong moment there.

- Crews vs. Shelton:
This is pretty solid.

I like what both men did there, but that didn't improve Crews' momentum.

- Post-match:
Haha I like MVP wanting him to make it to the PPV this time. That's cold.

- Mickie/Natalya/Lana:
Rather sudden return for her.

Yikes. Not really a fan of the Natalya/Lana pairing.

- Raiders/Ricochet/Cedric:
They're really running this gag into the ground.

- Raiders/Ricochet/Cedric vs. Akira/ninjas:
Damn. Makes me think they're ending the ninja thing.

- Post-match:

- Drew interview:
I LOVE the history lesson, though of course they're talking about things that happened a long time ago. Does the high school John Cena fan care about what happened before they were born?

I really liked the idea of Owens' win changing things.

- IIconics promo:
Honestly this gimmick is really, really stale. Off to NXT or back to Australia with these two.

- Liv vs. Peyton:
Not awful honestly.

Ehhhhhhh. It was there.

- Post-match:
Wouldn't shock me in the least if WWE's already changed their minds on Liv and Ruby as a team.

- Moss vs. Bloom:
Hey we don't see these two often.

- Bayley vs. Asuka:
More good work from these two.

Again, a multibillion dollar company can't keep the lights on because of five people with baseball bats?

More really good work.

I'm loving the story in this one. You know, when the lights stay on.

I REALLY like these submissions.

Wow. This is like a chess match.

That was a GREAT ending stretch.

- Post-match:
Fine enough. I could see Asuka challenging for both titles, honestly.

- Raw Underground:
They're definitely playing out this concept, which benefits certain stars.

OH SHIT Shayna vs. Kato is interesting.

HAHAHAA Shayna just picking someone.

BADASS moment for Baszler. Looks like the on/off push is on again.

- Retribution:
I'm curious what their end game is and why no one is cutting a promo about them destroying the ring, etc.

- Orton vs. Owens:
Nice story here.

They work together well.

Both men have high ring IQs.

AHHHHH I liked that ending a lot. Owens gave Orton a pretty solid win there.

- Post-match:
Hahaha WHAT? Very sudden change.

Wow. Way to bury the other male Flairs.

OUCH. Orton's pretty savage here.

Both men are doing their roles exceptionally well, but it comes across as the sudden shift in plans it is.

Very good promo from Ric.

Haha this is all over the place with whether Orton will turn on him or not.

That was an interesting way to end that.

Honestly this didn't do much for Drew. He's kind of a side player in the big Orton story.

More wrestling coming up. 

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