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Friday, May 1, 2015

Interviews with D'Lo/Young Bucks/Stephanie, Hogan note, another free month of the Network, and Questions on Corgan in TNA, replacing Taz, censoring Foley, Sting, and Alexa Bliss

D'Lo Brown talked about the incident with Droz and more. The chest protector idea is pretty genius to get him heat from getting assistance with the frog splash.

The Young Bucks took some time off from committing copyright infringement and putting themselves over to give an interview:
- I remember part of why they were no longer used in TNA was because of the expenses of them traveling from California to the East Coast. It's not like "Generation Me" was all that big of a deal for the promotion. They were there about a year and a half.

- I think Cornette is sincere in disliking the Young Bucks for their lack of psychology and emphasis on flashy moves. He's very old-school like that. It's not like they never took shots at Cornette on social media.

- They'll definitely be more successful getting everything they can out of the Bullet Club gimmick than having to work their way up in WWE. They wouldn't immediately be the top team, if ever. They'd have to earn their stripes just like everyone else.

- I'd be curious to see them try to adjust to the WWE style. They're obviously very talented. They'd just have to really adjust things in WWE.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.
Hulk Hogan has been booked as the "General Manager" for WWE's Australian tour this summer. I wouldn't assume that means anything as far as The Authority losing power.

The WWE Network is free for new subscribers in May. The goal is to turn enough of those new subscribers into permanent subscribers to finally hit the break-even point for the Network. They're pretty close, and this could be the move that gets them where they want to be. Of course, they'll want to keep growing after that.

Here's a recap of Chris Jericho's interview with Stephanie McMahon:
- Jericho just isn't as captivating of an interviewer as Austin since he's more of the joking and jovial type.

- When it's all said and done, there needs to be a biography on Vince. He's an American original and has a really wild story.

- Vince can be a really tough boss. I can only imagine what it's like as his daughter.

- I definitely think Stephanie takes after Vince a lot.

- Vince is right that you'll never please everyone.

- The HHH/Stephanie relationship is really weird. Obviously it worked out well for them. Imagine if it hadn't! Where would HHH be now?

- Stephanie and Jericho had some great on-screen chemistry. Classic stuff, at least as a product of its time.

- I miss Shane O'Mac. I can only imagine how big the reaction would be if he replaced The Authority. It's not happening anytime soon, though. He wants to do his own thing outside WWE.

- I really hope we see Rousey involved again. It's not like she's going to get injured.

- Stephanie is great at getting heat. Just like her dad.

- I can only imagine the difficulties of being married to a fellow top executive.

Not a bad interview overall.

For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. He just got there! I think he definitely has the opportunity to change things, as Dixie's apparently been open to some of his ideas in the past. Will his creative vision be a big change? Will they turn the company around, leading to bigger ratings and all that? We'll see what happens starting with the live show next Friday.

2. I'm leaning toward the likes of Al Snow or Shane Helms. Or what about Tommy Dreamer? I'd like for it to be someone who's wrestled in the last decade who can tell what it's like to be in the ring. Plus, Snow and Dreamer already work there. As much as I love Don West, I don't know if he'd be willing to return or what his price would be. They need to be cost-conscious here.

Nothing to add to 3. I guess they want it to be as accessible as possible.

4. He's still there waiting to see if WWE will come up with something else for his character to do. Sting vs. Taker at WM32 isn't out of the question, but it's also not a guarantee.

5. That looks to be the case. I'm OK with it, since she and Carmella could both use more ring time to show us what they can do.

More wrestling tomorrow.

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