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Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Smackdown and 205 Live Reax - 6/5/18

Read on for my thoughts on last night's SD Live and 205 Live.
-- SD Live:
- Carmella/Asuka/Absolution:
Hopefully this isn't as bad as the Lashley/Sami angle.

I like Mella's confidence.

This isn't bad, although you'd think the IIconics would be working with Mella.

Just a matter of time before what's left of Absolution splits, it looks like.

NICE. I like Asuka being willing to take them both on.

- Asuka vs. Rose/Sonya:
Solid work so far.

Smart to let Mandy rely on the others.

This isn't bad at all.

Fun to see Asuka show what she can do.

Pretty good ending.

- Post-match:
Not bad to keep things going.

- New Day/Miz:
I'm surprised they've gone this long without deciding who's entering MITB. Maybe we won't know until the show itself?


- Harper vs. KA:
Niiiiicccceeee. Good to see Harper on a roll.

Ehhhhh. I didn't care for that ending.

- Naomi/Jimmy:
It's like we're back in the MMC!

- Naomi/Jimmy vs. Lana/Aiden:
I like the face teamwork.

Lana's offense is still really basic.

Smart to have Lana be minimal here.

Pretty good.

- Contract signing:
Fine babyface stuff from AJ.

This is pretty stupid.

I'm ready for this to wrap up, but I have a feeling we're just moving into a bigger feud with Joe and/or Bryan.

- Becky vs. Charlotte:
Both of them have good technique.

The mirroring stuff went on a little long.

This is solid.

NICE ending. I'm surprised Becky won.

- Joe promo:
I'm all for Joe destroying AJ and Shinsuke after all we've had to sit through between them.

- Women's summit:
Ohhhh man. Sounds dumb.

- Cass interview:
I'd be fine with this if Cass could actually get a win.

What do you mean he hasn't been in the ring with a man like Cass? HE WAS IN THE RING WITH CASS ALREADY AND TAPPED HIM OUT.

That was mostly good, but we know where it's leading. I hope we don't have to wait for SDL to move to FOX for Vince to change things, but, sadly, he's going to be too busy with the XFL.

- Cara/Vega/Almas:
I love Zelina's assertiveness.

That was awesome!!

- Joe/Miz/Rusev vs. New Day:
I love New Day's teamwork.

Big E vs. Hoe could be awesome.

Lots of tags. I like it.

This is all pretty fun.

I like how the heels are working together.

I'm impressed with all the action here.

Everyone's delivering. I like it.

New Day need to take pancakes to B-Team's barbecues.

Hahahahahaah everyone hates Miz.

Good work!

-- 205 Live:
- Kendrick vs. Lince:
Just a matter of time before everyone fights each other.

I like how these two are working together.

Kendrick is smooth. Glad to have him back on the show.


Pretty solid.

- Post-match:
Fine to continue a feud that will probably go a long, long time.

- Mustafa promo:
Interesting. We'll see how Murphy takes the "no heart" thing.

- TJP squash:
I'm LOVING this version of TJP. Why can't the babyfaces be this cool?

Ooooh I'd be fine with him going to NXT.

That was BADASS. Nice to see them break the formula like that.

- Lio video:
This is a pretty good gimmick (and not much of an exaggeration of his reputation).

- Murphy/Nese:
I'm all for this.

- Murphy vs. Mustafa:
I like Buddy's style here.

Ali's got to be quicker than Murphy, the tank. There's good strategy here.

Buddy has really come into his own here.

Both men really going hard here.

Oh my GOD that pop up knee.

OUCCCHHHHHH both men hurt after that X-Factor.

NICE tornado DDT.

Fun ending to put Hideo in the mix.

- Post-match:
Itami vs. Murphy could be good. I like that heels can fight heels on occasion.

More wrestling coming up.

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