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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Query on Rosita, Morgan interview, Be A Star member wants out, Superstars match as WWE tryout?, Impact Wrestling match re-shot, Cena scouts in FCW, Questions on Summerslam, Sin Cara vs. Sin Cara, and Scott Baio, why Nash couldn't work indy dates, Smackdown house show moved, interviews with the KISS Demon and Jeremiah Riggs, more comments on the Young Bucks, why WWE canceled house show, Miz in Europe, Bellas blog, WWE executive leaves, Impact Wrestling rating, Bret Hart talks and the WWE stock takes a hit

Here's a query I've been getting recently: Is TNA's Rosita going to WWE? I don't know how or where the rumor started but I haven't seen anything about her leaving TNA or WWE showing any interest in her.

Matt Morgan was interviewed on CMT's "Made" Facebook page in conjunction with his appearance on that show. A little hard to follow because of the format, but a fairly good read.

A representative for the Council for Unity stated in no uncertain terms that they wish to be removed from the "Be A Star" campaign due to the links to WWE. They certainly make a good point about the fat jokes towards Vickie Guerrero. That's the kind of thing that needs to be eliminated from the show's babyface promos.

Los Angeles' Principe Orion wrestled as Jose Vargas on Thursday's Superstars episode. He received a tryout over Summerslam weekend, so he's on the company's radar.

The X-Division gauntlet match that aired on Impact Wrestling was shot twice over the course of the tapings, with TNA going with the second run-through.

After the break, I look at the rest of the day's questions and news, starting with John Cena's evaluation of FCW talents.
John Cena scouted talents in FCW recently, which is fantastic. He had good things to say about Bo Rotundo, Richie Steamboat, and Husky Harris. I haven'tseen enough of the first two to comment, but Harris showed quite a bit of upside and potential at times on NXT Season 2. I even made a Samoa Joe comparison or two in seeing his work (as in, the Samoa Joe who ran roughshod in TNA in 2005-2006). I hope the 24-year-old continues to develop into someone worth seeing. has some new questions up:
1. It was mainly a case of feeling that WWE rushed through a number of angles in a brief period of time. There was a good deal more that could be done with Punk as champion that at the very least is now on hold. And people weren't exactly clamoring for Nash's return. Other than that it was an excellent event.

Nothing to add to 2, so I'll skip it:
3. Talk about timing following the first question. It's a delicate balance. Del Rio was running the risk of being lost in the shuffle, so I can see why they did what they did. They've definitely noticed what you've mentioned, which is why Punk's still a big part of the show, and is a babyface to boot. The whole angle with Nash is supposed to get him further over. People really need to take a step back and look at things from other perspectives before criticizing.

4. It was technically Mystico, but I've heard this point. It would seem natural to have them face off, but don't expect them to bring up what their names used to be in Mexico (since they don't own them and rarely if ever acknowledge other promotions).

5. There's a big difference between TNA and The Twilight Zone. That show was well written and people have fond memories of it. Also the stories and swerves generally made sense.

Kevin Nash was pulled from some of his indy dates in order to undergo the medical testing WWE requires for talents to compete.

The 10/8 Smackdown house show in Jackson, TN has been moved to Beaumont, Texas. House show changes everywhere recently.

Here's a weird little interview with the former KISS Demon, and here's one with Tough Enough's Jeremiah.

This link goes into further Twitter comments on the Young Bucks' WWE tryouts. As for their brother's comments, I doubt the veterans are jealous of two flippy indy guys (of which there are countless)- there are reasons that WWE and TNA puts veterans in the roles that they do, and it's because they know what it takes to draw money. The Bucks might be able to pull off flashy moves, but the world at large has no idea who they are. And from the looks of things, they never will. Being made "more popular" on Twitter has nothing on being made more popular on WWE TV.

WWE canceled a Smackdown house show due to the logistics of having to move between cities.

The Miz is doing promotional appearances for WWE in Europe this weekend. That's one thing the company likes to see for people they want to push as top names.

The Bella Twins have started a website.

WWE's EVP of Digital Media, Brian Kalinowski, left the company this week. He had been there since 2007. No word on the reasons behind this yet.

The rating for the most recent edition of Impact Wrestling was a 1.05. No secret that that's not a good number. The only show to score lower this year was one that went up against the NBA Finals. Jersey Shore and NFL preseason games were on this week, but even with that excuse, that's a disappointing number. If I'm Dixie Carter, I'm thinking of possible changes to the product and being wary about re-signing of Hogan and (to a lesser extent) Bischoff.

Bret Hart discussed wrestlers absent from the WWE Hall of Fame, D.H. Smith's recent release and more recently. Good listen. He knows what he's talking about.

WWE's stock hit its lowest mark in a year on Friday, outpacing the overall market dip. I wouldn't read too much into it other than the general stock market being unstable right now.

That's all for Friday's news. More to come after midnight. Thanks for reading!

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