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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Superstars and Impact Wreslthing thoughts- 10/27/11

If you're a Divas fan, today's WWE Superstars is for you. Kelly Kelly teams with Eve to face the Bella Twins. And if you're a Knockouts fan, tonight's Impact Wrestling is for you as well. Gail Kim returns to the ring for TNA facing fellow former WWE Womens' and TNA Knockouts' Champion, Tara. Also on that show, Jeff Hardy returns to the ring against Bully Ray, and the new World Champion James Storm addresses the Impact Wrestling Zone. Sting will name his #1 Contender. All this and more for Thursday's wrestling. Read on for my thoughts on the shows as they happen.
Cody Rhodes on Superstars? Wow.

Cody Rhodes vs. Ted DiBiase on Superstars? Double wow.

I like Striker's commentary.

"Shut up and put the bags on" will probably be the line of the day. Awesome.

Again, if you're tired of the "Same old, same old" in WWE and want to see some fresh stars in action, NXT and Superstars are for you.

I like that they push the point about winning and money.

Rhodes used to be the most handsome man in the WWE, and now he's disfigured!!!

Very impressive by Rhodes. I think he's getting closer and closer to main event status.

Totally just heard AJ's music. Don't tease me like that, WWE.

I like Ezekiel's music a lot.

You'd think Jinder could afford to get a new bodyguard or something.

What's an Indian headlock like I wonder...

Zeke's kind of a guilty pleasure of mine. He's not the most finessed or varied performer, but he does what he does pretty well.


I was expecting JTG to team up with someone from NXT.

Oh, Stanford...

I wonder if this means anything for a potential Primo/Tito Colon team.

Enjoyable tag match so far.

Stanford and Regal would be a good pair on commentary with all of their crazy stories.

And there's your potential set-up for Primo/Tito.

Superstars is good for just sitting back and watching some good wrestling.

Batman... Thanks for reminding me I could play Arkham City instead of watching Impact Wrestling.

I hate the bootypop thing, though Stanford's call of it was good.

Divas matches are not bad at all these days when they're given time.

Marella Martial Arts > Mixed Martial Arts.

Stinkfaces are also pretty stupid.

Well, I've certainly seen worse.

Looks like it's time for Impact Wrestling. Sorry about MY damn luck.

Cool singles music. About time he got some.

I'm still in shock that he won the big one. I pretty much saw Fortune as eternal midcarders.

Storm's a much more natural character than Roode.

Roode vs. Storm for the title. Is this real life?

Samoa Joe in a World Title-centered segment? I guess it isn't.

This segment makes way too much sense and is way too straightforward face and heel to be in TNA.

But there are four corners!

Phew. Jeff Hardy's wrestling tonight. I thought I was in a different promotion for a while there.

Fun Daniels interview.

Between Round 97 of Styles/Daniels or RVD/Lynn, I'd go with the former. It's at least a more recent rehash.

"We were best friends, then we feuded, then we teamed, then we feuded" etc..

Daniels had all the tools to beat RVD there.

This is the longest Gail's been on TV in a ring in years.

I think I had legitimately forgotten what Gail sounded like.

Fresh meat? Tara's one of the most experienced Knockouts on the roster (Miss Jackie/Jacqueline precedes her by a few years).

Gail vs. Tara should be a bigger deal given their prestige and past.

OCTOPUS! OCTOPUS! OCTOPUS! OCTOPUS! TAP! TAP! TAP! TAP! If you weren't around for that reference, you missed out.

I like how all of the heels are in black.

Wow, they're going right to Gail vs. Velvet.

I keep expecting Robbie E to tell us to like him on Facebook, follow him on Twitter, etc..

There's no telling what people dip in that chocolate fountain.

I will be watching Beavis & Butthead at some point when it replays.

"A couple of 'Big O's there". The Ryder comparisons continue. Rob Terry does remind me of The Big O now that I think of it.

This could very well be the least prestigious title for male wrestlers in either major promotion.

Now this is the TNA I'm familiar with.

Not bad honestly in that it got time to get over.

Remember how super over that got everyone last time they involved Jersey Shore? That defonotely worked out long-term.

Colt Cabana gets referenced a good deal for someone who isn't with a major promotion.

I hope Bully Ray and Jeff Hardy can successfully make me believe it's about 10 years ago in their match.

A lot of people want to beat up their dads when they're young and rebellious.

I'd much rather have Bischoff as the Raw GM than Laurinaitis.

I thought they were chanting for Jarrett for a second there.

There's a "Son, I am disappoint" picture in the making.

I picture Flair yelling at kids to get off his lawn.

Somebody's cranky to be up past their nap time. Was there no apple sauce in catering?

Good video packages tonight.

I wish I didn't remember that, but I do.

Jeff gave me a temporary revival of interest with his showing there since it's been a while since I've seen him compete. They should do that with more older stars instead of "welp, Scott Steiner's having another match".

I think there's a Jeff Hardy DVD out?

I don't guess I should be surprised that the stuff with the Bischoffs is after this.Though I'll give credit where it's due. This is after Hardy/Bully Ray.

Good wrestling match. No BS, and no getting by on signature spots or nostalgia.

Not bad at all. They're not too far gone to make it as main eventers.

Good stuff between Roode and Storm as well.

Flair should apologize for being involved in this segment. Yikes. This guy used to be such an awesome promo!

We go from closing with Fortune at the top of the mountain to closing with Flair at the bottom of the hill. I hope Garrett's worth all this attention.

That's all for Thursday's wrestling. I'll be back for Smackdown tomorrow and a news post will be up later tonight. Thanks for reading!

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