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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Superstars and Impact Wrestling thoughts- 10/13/11

Today on WWE Superstars, former Corre members collide as Ezekiel Jackson takes on Heath Slater. Then, on Impact Wrestling, Hulk Hogan and Sting sign on for their match at Bound For Glory. RVD and Daniels face AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn, Matt Morgan takes on Samoa Joe, and Kurt Angle has something in store for Bobby Roode. We're only 3 nights away from the biggest show on the TNA calendar, so anything can happen. Read on for my thoughts on the show as they happen.
Very good to see Santino back.

Some entertaining commentary and ringwork here. Wrestling can be silly at times.

Of course he does, Josh, they were together on Z! True Long Island Story.

I'm liking the more villainous and serious JTG now.

And that was our "goofy PG" part of the show.

WWE: we make movies now.

McIntyre needs an evil goatee.

I like both of these guys. It would not be a stretch in the least for either to be in the U.S. Title picture.

Face commentators shouldn't agree with heels.

Nice fire from Riley. And nice heel tactics as always by McIntyre. They need to come up with something to do with him in particular.

For anyone complaining that WWE doesn't have enough wrestling, I hope you're watching this and NXT. Fine match indeed.

I can't think of an entrance song I like less than Slater's.

I like that they have a reason to be fighting.

Zeke's pretty impressive tonight.

Slater's growing as a performer it seems.

That clothesline! Zeke does a good job making basic moves mean a lot more. He's another guy who could be in the midcard title picture again.

Impact Wrestling time again.

Nice set up for Sunday's match,

Roode's definitely got a chance to get some natural sympathy in a handicap match.

This is the sound of me not caring about any of these competitors feuding. There comes a time when people have fought so much that it barely means anything.

There also comes a time when a spot like diving over the ropes is done so many times that it stops being special.

The average age in this match is over 40 years old. Everyone involved debuted in a major promotion over 10 years ago. And that's nothing compared to what's headlining on Sunday.

Remember when Joe and Morgan were main eventers? Feels like quite some time ago.

That was kind of a confusing promo, but whatever. Sometimes wrestlers using profanity come across like the middle schooler who just learned some "bad words".

Add Jeff Hardy to the list of competitors I'm losing interest in. Law of diminishing returns in effect.

That was actually kind of funny from Mex Am.

I don't even know the last time I saw someone outside of these two seriously rock a big mohawk.

Not a bed set-up for their tag match.

Whaaaaa? Was Serena unavailable? I kid. She definitely fits with their look.

She's kind of cute in a freaky way. No clue who she is, though.

Over the commercial break, I found out. So much for that mystery, eh? I'll have more about it in the news post.

Crazy gimmicks everywhere.

I like Kid Kash. Just a mean, nasty dude in the ring. No flippy BS, no crazy outfits.


Can we just have Kash beat the crap out of the bad gimmicks in TNA? He'd be a busy dude.

Clever line by Tenay at the end there.

You know what TNA could use more of? Samuel L. Jackson. Put him on commentary. Alone.

No, wait, add Don West from after he turned on Tenay.

"Hardcore Country"'s starting to catch up to Heath Slater's song as the one I want to mute most.

Quite the elaborate outfits tonight.

Oy. The four title competitors and three other women involved in this angle. The image we were left with was of Traci and Karen, neither of whom are competing on Sunday.

They should really save the action between these two for Sunday. Given how many times they've fought, they're really going to have to pull out some magic to differentiate that match between matches they've had before.

I bet TNA's Twitter account gets some pretty brutal responses.

I thought Abyss was having issues with Immortal anyway.

The match on Sunday is Bully Ray vs. Mr. Anderson. You know who's not on that card? Steiner, Abyss, Jarrett, or Gunner. They're setting up angles for the next big show before the PPV even gets here!

I was wondering if Anderson would show back up since he's an asshole and all.

A Fortune breakup angle would be fine by me.

If you look at the matches and not the angles that lead up to them, that's honestly not that bad of a card.

I hate this kind of build-up. There's no personal reason why they're fighting. Angle basically wrote him off. That's honestly kind of boring.

Great spot with the "Beer Money" chant.

Meh. Not bad. Not "Man who's 3 nights away from a World Title at the company's biggest show" level either.

Jeff Hardy, who also doesn't have a match on Sunday. Why's he such a focal point of this?

I'm more and more intrigued about a potential James Storm heel turn.

Damn, this is going to go long, isn't it?

That made sense as an ending, though I'd be quite surprised if we don't have some run-ins.

And, we're done. I'm just so burned out on TNA right now that I can't find much enthusiasm for it. There are too many people there that I don't care much for.

Anyway, enough complaining for now. I'll be back for Smackdown tomorrow and a news post will be up later. Thanks for reading!

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