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Sunday, April 26, 2015

More notes on Foley's special, more from Taz on TNA, more from Austin on WWE, and Questions on no-compete clauses in NXT, Rousey on Total Divas, diluting hardcore, Taker/Sting switching places, and TNA pay issues

Here's more from the recent Mick Foley special taped for the WWE Network. Props for JR for improving his health. I think a lot of fans needed a drink after the Royal Rumble. Seriously, though, that's great and I hope others follow suit.

Update: the special will air on Wednesday, presumably around the same time as NXT.

Here's more from Taz's podcast discussing leaving TNA. TNA definitely took care of him financially and thought highly of him.

Here's more from Stone Cold on his relationship with WWE. I definitely think they'll work together more. As for a match at WM32, that's a long way off. It doesn't seem to be in the works right now.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.
For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. That's a good question! I guess we'll find out if any of the recently-released talents try to go work TNA, LU, ROH, etc..

2. Maybe as a cameo, but I think he'll be very careful with how she's presented. I really doubt we see her do something like that.

3. I think there are some good points made there. There's a big difference between two guys in a big feud using weapons compared to some random lower-card people destroying their bodies in matches that end up meaningless. I think there's a similar comparison to be made with the Cruiserweight style: when it's done as part of a story, it's great. When people are just doing cool moves because they can with very little semblance of an actual match, it hurts things overall.

4. I strongly doubt Undertaker would have been the character from WWF. They definitely wouldn't use that name or his catchphrases or anything of the sort. I'd like to think he'd do OK for himself, but I really doubt he'd get to be more important than the likes of Nash or Hogan. I think WCW died for reasons other than the talent in the ring, so I don't see it really making a difference. As for Sting in WWF, he wouldn't be the same character, either. He'd probably have to play second fiddle to the top names WWF had. It probably worked out better for Taker to stay as the long-time WWF veteran and Sting to be the Icon of WCW.

5. That could be it. It could also be there's not really a lot of money to give them given the move going on at Panda Energy and the company being behind because the One Night Only shows haven't aired yet.

More wrestling tomorrow.

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