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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Raw Reax - 4/20/15

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Raw.

I mostly liked the opening segment. I do get the sense Rollins is the underdog despite being WWE Champion, but that's generally the rule for new champs (especially heels). I really hope we're not in for Rollins totally sneaking his way through title matches before getting his at Summerslam, only to drop back down the card because WWE doesn't think he's a credible champion. Orton shouldn't go down without a fight, but I'd like to see it mostly be Rollins' work that gets the win. I do like the idea of Orton just RKOing people left and right today.

Ambrose and Harper are two workhorses for sure. This should be good.

I'm looking forward to whatever way Ambrose and Harper will beat the hell out of each other at Extreme Rules. I wonder what they'll pull out.

Good post-match. I want Extreme Rules to be reminiscent of Rollins vs. Ambrose as far as brawling throughout the arena. I wish there was some cool gimmick match they could work with that would bring something unique to it.

Blehhhh. I get the story they're telling of the cowardly champ, and it's well told. I just want to see Rollins as a bigger player. Hopefully there's a moment at Extreme Rules where something snaps and he goes to a higher level to beat Orton.

Nice ending to the #1 Contenders' match. There's potential for an all-out tag team war given the smack talk PTP has put down, The New Day turning heel, etc..

So we're just going to have Orton hit 50 RKO's tonight? That would be pretty funny. I can see the argument of it burying the other wrestlers, though, since Orton's being portrayed as so much more important.

Good match between Fandango and Axel. I feel bad for Axel. Other than being the son of Mr. Perfect, I feel like he hasn't done much to stand out until the Axelmania gimmick.

Given Tough Enough's somewhat spotty track record of actually making stars (especially last time), I'm skeptical here. We'll see, though.

Interesting wrinkle with Kane being involved. I suspect Big Show and J&J Security will lay him out either that night or the night after to protect the champion. We'll see.

I really liked the backstage segment with HHH, Kane, and Rollins. There's a lot of history between the first two, and their veteran status really adds to the advice they're giving Rollins.

Naomi can suck it. I guess she does deserve to be champion eventually, but I'm not so sure now is the time. If they're going to hold off on bringing up Charlotte and don't want to put the title on Tamina, I'm fine with her winning. There's a ready-made feud with Paige when she returns, which is always a plus.

Fine Divas' match to set up Sunday's title match. I couldn't care much less about things with neither AJ nor Paige around.

Fun backstage segment. I miss when there was more of this and less "here's so-and-so being interviewed."

Bo Dallas was awesome there. There need to be some fall guys like him and Slater. I hope Show has his working boots on Sunday. I think the match is going to need to tell a really good story since they're not going to be able to top something like Ziggler vs. Sheamus or Ambrose vs. Harper from other standpoints.

Nice match to get Sheamus over as both an absolute jerk and a force to be reckoned with. I wouldn't read much into Ryder being the sacrificial lamb. They just needed someone who could take a convincing ass-kicking to put heat on Sheamus.

I liked Cena's promo for the most part. I hope they continue to keep him as more of a side player. This storyline is good for that.

I'm not crazy about us getting Cena vs. Kane instead of Cena vs. Rowan or Cena vs. Neville or something else that would elevate someone newer. I do think it was good to show Kane still has some fire in him, though.

I just had this nightmare of us getting Triple H vs. Kane at Summerslam. Unless they can pull out magic from years back, I'm skeptical about how good that would be (and how many people would be interested).

Can Mizdow get the rights to MizTV if he wins? There's so much potential here.

NICE attack by Rusev. I want to see Rusev lay out a dozen referees and security guys with the chain. It won't happen, though. They'll cool him off...

Blehhhhh.... kind of a letdown to that feud. What the heck do they do from here? They've gotten cold feet in pushing Sandow several times now. Maybe this means Sandow and Charlotte vs. Miz and Summer Rae?

You'd think The Authority would put up security to prevent all these RKO's continuing to happen.

Wyatt vs. Ryback would be really boring, I think. Ryback's a pretty bland character. Wyatt vs. Henry doesn't sound too appealing, either.

I think Ryback could use some more wrinkles in his character. Not necessarily a love interest, but just something more to sink our teeth into. This was fine for a squash, though.

I liked the post-match well enough. I still don't care about Rosa, but pairing her with Rose might work out.

Rollins better be trolling Kane. I'm ready to see the WWE Champion be able to stand on his own against the likes of Kane and Orton.

Rollins vs. Ziggler was good from a wrestling standpoint, although I miss the Curb Stomp and it's another lucky win. There's a difference between outsmarting your opponent and just winning because everyone runs in.

I liked the ending for setting up Sunday's match. I hope we're not in for something stupid like Kane pulling a fast one on Orton to stay with The Authority.

More wrestling coming up.

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