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Monday, April 6, 2015

NXT live event notes, more on AJ Lee, and Questions on fewer PPVs, fans voting on the HoF, Reigns' future, getting the rub from beating Brock, and Rusev vs. Cena

Here's a live report from a recent NXT live event. There are several names there I've never heard of, and quite a few I don't think have been on NXT TV.

AJ Lee tweeted after her WWE retirement. I wish her well in whatever she does next. It's a shame we might never see her in the ring again. She was really something as a character and performer.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. I agree they generally need at least four weeks to make a PPV feel special. I don't think they'll cut back, though. As far as alternating PPVs with NXT specials, I don't think that would be as effective as one would hope. If all the people who used to buy PPVs now owned the Network, that'd be one thing. But I don't think that's the case yet.

2. It's an interesting idea, and might be worth trying for one participant next year as a test to see how it works out. I don't really see WWE going for it, though.

3. I wouldn't assume that to be the case. I suspect he'll remain in the WWE Title hunt for the time being. I wouldn't be shocked at all if he won the title at Summerslam in a WM31 rematch or something like that, but I don't know if that's what they're planning.

4. It all depends on how they follow up. I think Brock's still a really dominant beast, and it will still be a pretty big deal when he loses. If he comes back and kicks some more ass, I don't see it really harming him.

5. Rusev went down to the franchise player of the company at WrestleMania. As far as ending undefeated streaks go, I have no problem with it ending like that. I don't see Rusev getting the win at Extreme Rules, but hopefully he can still be a top player.

More wrestling tomorrow.

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