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Monday, April 20, 2015

Taz on TNA departure, WWE sued over old footage, Regal threatened?, notable guest at TNA, and Questions on getting heat on Stephanie, the shape Rhino's in, wrestlers vs. sports entertainers, pushing Neville, and Awesome vs. Tazz

Here's a recap of Taz's latest podcast, discussing his decision to leave TNA. I have to give him props for not bashing TNA. As fun as that stuff is to read at times, it sounds like there wasn't much for Taz to be upset about beyond not getting paid. Granted, that's a pretty big (and justifiable) gripe. I would love his thoughts on managing Samoa Joe, the Hardcore Justice special, and so on. Maybe one day we'll hear those.

The father of Mid-South star Eddie Gilbert is suing WWE for royalties for using Gilbert's likeness in the form of his old matches and so on. I would think WWE would be in the clear here, since they own the footage. 

William Regal wrote on Twitter about someone calling his house and threatening him. I'm not so sure posting the number on Twitter is the way to handle that. I hope Regal remains safe either way.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Smashing Pumpkins frontman and noted wrestling fan Billy Corgan was at TNA offices recently. I'd be interested to see what he would do with a stake in the company.

For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. I think they can work around not being able to have men hitting women. They can have her put over people like Rollins and Show as her bodyguards, so getting a win over them is a way of getting back at her. I would like to see her get comeuppance from a female, too, but that might have to wait until WM32. It's telling the end of The Authority angle is envisioned as two part-timers (Rock and Rousey) beating two other part-timers in HHH and Steph.

2. You have to train differently at 40 than 20, but it's not like your body totally falls apart if it's treated right. I think he's great for the role they have him in, and I like there being some veterans down there working with the NXT names. I'd like to see Goldust and maybe another name or two do something similar. As long as the show is still ultimately about the younger wrestlers, I don't really have a problem with it.

3. There's not much to add as far as what wrestlers consider themselves. I think the sports entertainment designation is a good one for WWE trying to go from the days of negative publicity from steroids and dying young toward trying to be something like Disney. Honestly I think arguing over the distinction is a little silly, since it's not like they can't be both wrestlers and sports entertainers.

4. Oh boy. Let's recap Neville's run in WWE so far:
- Debuts on the biggest Raw of the year to win a squash match over a former IC Champion.
- Wrestles the new WWE Champion in a hard-fought loss.
- Wins another squash over the same former IC Champion.
- Wrestles a former World Heavyweight Champion in another high-profile match.
- Has another high-profile match with the likes of former WWE and World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus (currently on a roll as a heel). Neville lasted significantly longer than former World Champion Mark Henry, and technically won the match via DQ.

I'd say that's a pretty good push for someone who could have easily just been another Cruiserweight guy 10 years ago. Win-loss records really only matter to marks, but he's 3-2 on the main roster either way (excluding live events). To say he's not being pushed adequately is ridiculous. He's been on the main roster less than a month, and he's doing things some talents don't do their whole careers.

5. That would be cool to add to the Network, but given Awesome's untimely demise and Taz not working for WWE, I don't know if it's a priority.

More wrestling tomorrow.

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