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Sunday, April 19, 2015

Query on TNA's 2015, Interviews with Uhaa/Kaitlyn/Lilian, update on departed TNA star, status of top WWE angles, guests for Foley's WWE Network special, JR-WWE update, Slammiversary update, and Questions on Y2J in WWE full-time, spray-painting titles, RVD bringing prestige to midcard titles, and Charlotte

First up, a query:
1. TNA has defied the odds and survived a lot longer than anyone has expected. I'd like to think as long as they keep Destination America happy, they'll be able to stick around. They're definitely going through some rough times lately, though.

The former Uhaa Nation talked to about his signing to NXT. I'm really excited to see what he can do! That's an impressive resume. talked to the former Kaitlyn. NXT: Redemption was really something. Once Derrick Bateman was added to the mix, we got some really fun segments. It's obvious the higher-ups didn't care about the show, so they were allowed to do pretty much anything as far as segments go.

Lilian Garcia gave an update following her knee surgery. Lilian's been a staple of WWE.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

Sanada, formerly The Great Sanada in TNA, will remain working the indie scene in the U.S.. What does it say about TNA that he'd rather work the U.S. indies than stay there? Also, did W1 not want him back or something?

Seth Rollins vs. Randy Orton in a WWE Title match is being advertised alongside Roman Reigns vs. Big Show in a steel cage for a June live event. Card subject to change, obviously, but this could mean we're in for a holding pattern before the build for Summerslam. Rollins vs. Orton I'm cool with. Reigns vs. Show is going to feel like the longest segment of the week. The good news for WWE is fans might finally hate someone's booking more than Cena's.

Jim Ross and JBL will be the special guests for Mick Foley's upcoming WWE Network special. That should be an interesting show!

Jim Ross is still in the early stages of negotiations for a WWE Network special of his own. I hope that happens!

Slammiversary 2015 is expected to be in Orlando, Florida, on the last week of June. That will presumably be TNA's first live PPV since the previous year's Slammiversary. The show has an outside chance of being in Las Vegas, which is the home of Mike Tenay (and GFW).

For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. Jericho's pretty much there just when there's something he really wants to do. WWE needs him more than he needs WWE.

2. That's a good question actually. It definitely made more of a statement when they spray-painted the World Title.

3. I don't know if RVD really adds much prestige to a title in 2015, at least compared to PPV headliners like Cena and Bryan.

Nothing to add to 4.

5. Not soon enough! There was talk of her coming up right after Mania, but obviously that didn't happen. I think she should take the title from Nikki Bella before Summerslam.

More wrestling tomorrow.

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