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Sunday, June 14, 2015

More Dusty remembrances, Y2J back in action, and Questions on ROH's action figures, HHH suing Chyna, Tough Enough, NXT vs. WWECW, and GFW attendance

Ric Flair discussed Dusty Rhodes on Busted Open. It looks more likely Goldust will start working NXT when he recovers. I think that's great.

Jim Ross also talked to Busted Open about Dusty. Talk about the passion Dusty had for the business.

Chris Jericho returned to WWE at live events this weekend to beat Luke Harper. I'm sure those were solid matches.

Everything else from yesterday is after the break.

WWE will air video tributes to Dusty Rhodes during Money in the Bank and Raw, as they should.

For my take on yesterday's questions:
1. I'm under the impression it's mainly a matter of WWE not wanting to have to compete with another action figure of the same person under a different name. Figures, Inc. beat them to having the first figure of Steen/Owens, which means little Jimmy wanting to buy one might end up benefiting ROH instead of WWE. It will be really interesting to see how this affects signings going forward. They could be shorting themselves of some really talented people.

2. I don't see WWE spending the time and money to fight those allegations when they're probably not making any kind of impact on him. Going to court over it would only give Chyna more of a stage to spread her claims, and a lot of people would assume she's right (because "why sue her if she's not telling the truth? There must be something to it if they're spending all that money to shut her up."). So, unless people start taking them seriously and it reaches a big enough stage to actually harm his reputation and his ability to associate with others, I see them staying out of the courtroom.

3. I doubt it. Remember this is a reality show, not NXT tryouts. They're looking for drama and all that kind of thing more than future wrestling superstars.

4. Pretty much that. The ECW brand was a hybrid of what WWE Management wanted with some parts of the old ECW mixed in. Vince and Heyman had completely different visions for it, and, at the end of the day, it was Vince with the purse-strings deciding what was going to air on his show. NXT is HHH's playground and got to start small and test things out before putting them on a bigger stage.

5. Considering they don't have a TV presence to advertise their live events and they don't even have the online buzz of ROH yet (much less TNA, NXT, or WWE), it's not realistic to expect them to fill stadiums for their first tour. These shows are kind of trial runs to get things in order for the TV tapings. If they get a sizable TV presence and there's more awareness of who they are, there's a chance for them to draw more people to live events.

More wrestling coming up.

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