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Sunday, October 5, 2014

EC3/Spud update, Smackdown Week, Interviews with Bo/Linda/DeMott/Cesaro, NXT trainer and another developmental name cut, new TNA TV deals, Impact audience, Raw guest hosts, and Questions on paying for music, Devitt's new name, Crimson, WWE making stars, and Total Divas

TNA is running an online angle where Ethan Carter III has demanded the removal of Rockstar Spud merchandise, with the goal being to get Spud fans to show their support of the latter. That's not a bad idea, honestly.

WWE Network is doing a week focused on Smackdown next week, in honor of the show's 15th anniversary. That's smart!

Bo Dallas talked about feuding with Jack Swagger and more. I'm surprised he's done this well based on his early developmental work. Can we have an nWbo?

Everything else from Thursday is after the break.
Linda McMahon talked about building WWE. I would have liked something more in-depth, but there were some good quotes there.

Bill DeMott talked about the Performance Center and more. It is cool people have opportunities after hanging up the boots. I don't think there was ever really a buzz for Bo Dallas until the Bolieve gimmick. In fact, people were wondering why WWE was behind him.

Cesaro talked about facing Sheamus and more. They always deliver. I hope we see more stars of that caliber in the years to come.

Here's another Bo Dallas interview. It's still kind of hard to believe he beat Mark Henry clean.

WWE has released Nick "Eugene" Dinsmore as a trainer in NXT. He had been in that role for about a year. That's a shame. He always seemed to have a good head on him as far as performing goes.

Update: A number of wrestlers were upset at his release, as he was considered a solid trainer and was well-liked. It's seen as a possible political move, which especially sucks.

Update: Matt Martlaro was also released. He worked behind-the-scenes in NXT, and was considered good at his job even if people didn't like him personally. Getting along with people you have to work with is a huge part of the job.

TNA has announced new TV deals in Malaysia and Singapore. International TV deals are increasingly important in today's world.

TNA's audience Wednesday night was 1.10 million. That's a nice increase from the previous week, but they're still not where they were on Thursdays. The sudden change of nights doesn't look to have worked they way they wanted it to.

WWE has announced some guest hosts for Raw, from the Today show. I couldn't care much less. I watch for the wrestling content.

For my take on Thursday's questions:
1. I get this weird feeling the person who sent in this question isn't familiar with the price of rights fees. It's rarely as simple and cheap as some fans believe.

2. I think Finn Balor's the more realistic name! I'm fine with it.

3. I wish he was still around. He had potential and raw athleticism. I think he could have been a big player for TNA.

4. WWE has "made" some other guys, but not at the level of Cena, Orton, Batista, or Lesnar (at least as far as who still works there actively. What about Jeff Hardy, Rey Mysterio, or C.M. Punk?). It takes time and patience to make big names, and Vince doesn't always have the latter. I really do think it could take quite the crisis (like some top names being out long-term and being unable to rely on someone like Taker, Kane, Show, HHH, etc.) to really get Vince out of his comfort zone.

5. That's stupid. They should either all have their real names or none of them should, to fit with how much "reality" is in the show.

Nothing to add to 6.

More wrestling tomorrow.

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