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Sunday, October 12, 2014

TNA Bound For Glory preview

Read on for how I'd book tonight's TNA PPV.

This show might as well be a One Night Only show, but it IS Bound For Glory, so I'll give it a go. I have very little knowledge of W1, so I'll be booking this from TNA's perspective.

The match exclusively featuring W1 talents should be somewhat early in the show. I'd personally like Storm, Manik, and Sanada to interrupt it with a beatdown of all those involved to build heat for later matches, but I'm not so sure W1 would oblige.

The X-Division Title match would have to be booked in-line with whomever is champion on the next episode of Impact Wrestling, but could still be an awesome match. There are rumors of Joe leaving the company soon, but if he's champion on the next episode of Impact, they should probably have him win here for consistency's sake.

Havok beats Velvet Sky to build to Havok vs. Madison Rayne on an upcoming Impact. I don't think TNA would want to fly out Angelina and Madison just to be involved in the finish, so it might just be those two present. TNA can say Kurt Angle banned others from ringside or whatever.

Storm and Sanada can help Manik win, or help him in a beatdown after the match. Either way, it sets up Muta and Tajiri to get revenge in the main event as they come run (to the extent they can still run) the heels off.

EC3 beats Hama unless he gets DQ'd or Spud interferes or something. Why have EC3 lose clean to someone very few in the U.S. know?

MVP wins, maybe with Kenny King's help. Or MVP can get cocky and lose. It depends on how big of a deal Sakamoto is to W1.

Team 3D, Abyss, and Dreamer go all out in what is expected to be 3D's last match in TNA. They can do the handshake/hug thing afterward to send off the HoFers.

I feel sorry for Storm and Sanada having to sell for Tajiri and Muta, but they're probably going to have to make it work. Sanada can spit the mist in Storm's face on accident for the finish to protect the TNA guys, and/or there's interference from the W1 wrestlers who were attacked previously on the card.

More wrestling coming up.

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