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Thursday, October 16, 2014

Impact Wrestling Reax - 10/15/14

Read on for my thoughts on last night's Impact Wrestling.

As much as I want to see Lashley vs. a healthy Angle, that's not guaranteed to happen. Angle hasn't had a match in TNA since May, for one. A good opening segment for setting up a new #1 Contender, though. I look forward to the main event.

I'm not so sure I'd be giving Team 3D press given their actions at Bound For Glory. I highly doubt they'll ever work a TNA show again.

Matt gets props for me for staying in TNA after the Full Metal Mayhem match. I don't know how the pay is compared to ROH or wherever he could be working instead, but it's refreshing to see him committed to the company for the time being. Hardy vs. Magnus could be pretty good.

Not a bad interview from Madison, and I like them showing Havok's win at BFG. It was good for them to add some backstory and hype for this match.

Not a bad match at all for the Knockouts Title. I'm liking Havok's reign so far.

It's actually kind of funny to see this pre-taped segment of Devon saying he's committed to staying in TNA given what 3D pulled Sunday! It is nice he and Angle will be on TV for a few more episodes, though I don't guess they had much of a choice since they were still under contract then.

People actually have been struck by lightning twice, but that's beside the point. I definitely don't want another EY title reign. They tried to make that work, but I could never take him seriously as a top-tier guy.

Pretty good Hardy/Magnus match. I wonder what if anything they have set for these two long-term.

Not a bad match with The Menagerie and Beautiful Bros. I do think it's problematic to have a face attempt sexual assault, but the action wasn't bad.

Nice segment with Roode and Aries. I'm glad we still get to see those two.

Pretty good segment to bring in the former Brodus Clay. I wish TNA brought in more like Tyrus and EC3 and less like the Nasty Boys, Sean Morley, etc. A lot of names are on that fence, like Anderson. Anyway, I like the idea of EC3 and Tyrus as an act. Bram "retiring" Devon from TNA could be a good angle as well if they want to pursue it.

Not sure why Shark Boy was eating doughnuts, but I enjoy seeing him here and there. He fulfills his role well.

Tyrus just turned Shark Boy into shark fin soup. I'm down to see Tyrus wreck people for a while.

Really nice Jeff Hardy promo. He's better in small doses without all the weird stuff (i.e. Willow).

Does TNA even HAVE eight teams? I almost wish Russo was booking so we could see a team enter twice (one team of DJ Z and Jessie, and one team of Jessie and DJ Z), a masked team that ends up being The Wolves, there actually being nine teams, Tenay and Taz being a team, etc. If TNA's going to close shop soon, have some fun with it. To be fair, current WWE creative would probably book a commentary tag team, too.

That was a pretty cool double elimination spot. I'm glad TNA didn't have Hardy win for no reason.

All in all, a really awesome main event. Everyone there worked pretty hard. Aries and Roode are two diamonds in the rough. If TNA does go down, WWE should sign them both.

Good post-match to end the show. I kind of wish Lashley came down and speared one of them or something, but I don't have the book.

More wrestling coming up.

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