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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Interview with Sheamus/Questions on racism, WM29, contracts, Lawler, and Hogan

Sheamus talked on Busted Open. He handled himself well. I'm glad he's paying respect to Malenko.

For my take on the 9/16 questions:
1. Wow. Yeah, not sure how that made it past the WWE radar. I see why they edit things to fit the company's vision for 2012, but I'm generally not in favor of that kind of censorship. As a business decision, they don't want to be associated with anything like that!

2. That's going to be INSANE. I think they should take that into account for both fans and performers if they want a good gate. I don't see it hurting attendance too much, though. It's WrestleMania!

 Everything else from 9/16 is after the break!

3. It would really suck if WWE didn't have those kind of deals.

4. It will all depend on how he recovers in the months to come. I probably wouldn't.

5. When does an angle involving Hogan ever end up putting over new talent? He always ends up back in the center of things. I guess it COULD work, but they shouldn't risk it.

 More news after the 9/17 Raw.

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